
Thank you for your interest in our programs. We have three programs: Safe Outdoor Spaces (SOS), Tiny Home Villages (THV), and our Micro Communities. Read more below.

Safe Outdoor Spaces

Launched in December 2020 to respond quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic in partnership with the City and County of Denver, CVC now operates three Safe Outdoor Spaces in the Denver metro area. These SOS sites provide resources and services in a healthy and secure environment that is staffed 24/7. This innovative model provides outdoor, individualized shelter and a pathway into stable housing for people experiencing homelessness in Denver.

Our Impact

Tiny Home Villages

Tiny home villages provide a strategy for quickly and cost-effectively developing dignified emergency shelter spaces that can function as temporary living spaces as people transition into permanent housing.  be utilized to transition people from homelessness to stable housing. While a new affordable unit in Denver costs an average of $290,000, a tiny home can be constructed for $15,000 in material costs. Each home provides dignity and privacy, while the villages are designed to provide a pathway to stable housing. Each village employs a participatory governance structure, empowering villagers to design their community and their future. We are a program that provides supportive services, including case management, peer support and connections to permanent housing.


These are neighborhoods of small units with a/c and heat, 24-hour staff and security, bathrooms and sanitation services, and food. These communities wrap around supportive services (case management, housing navigation, meeting space, office space, etc). A Micro-community is a Temporary Managed Community use– both terms may be used in relation to this site.

Our Locations

Safe Outdoor Spaces

  • 4635 Peoria St Denver, CO 80239

  • 3815 Steele St Denver, CO

  • 1530 W 13th Ave, Denver CO 80204

Tiny Home Villages

  • 4635 Peoria St Denver, CO 80239

  • 4001 Monroe St Denver, CO 80216

  • 3815 Steele St Denver, CO

  • 1530 W 13th Ave, Denver CO 80204